Thursday, 26 April 2007

Our group

Hello again. Just to say that anyone from our group who hasn't had an invite and wants one, can email me from my profile (as I don't think anyone else is displaying theirs). Just click on my name in the "about us " section.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Saying Hi

Hi Guys

Love it....what a great idea.
I'll certainly put this in my favourites and keep checking it.

See you guys next week.

I think....!

I was planning to put all of our group as admin instead of guests so that you can add stuff. You have to sign in using email address and password and then you should be able to edit and add through "customise" in top right hand corner. Do you get that Kaz when you login? If you want to add websites go to customise then template then page elements. You will see a box for "Useful websites" and should be able to add them there. Just need to fill in the box that says http/ and click on add. It should be added alphabetically within the list that I put on. If you want to add a file it is a bit more complicated I think so I shall fiddle with it first and let you know. I am attempting to put an ad on here to generate some spending money for the group. We might make 10p!!

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Managed finally to sign back in! .... aagh puters!
I realised that my username means that I should actually be using my email address and then when I type my blog that kazisindahouse is my .... WHAT????

How do we add other things to this then? As in files and web sites?


Yes it was a good idea. Say thanks to son for the brainwave!
I have fixed the time now and hopefully the posts will be displayed in the right order!! What do you think of the new colour scheme?


Yes the time is quite mad!

Karens surname interests

Where's ma blog gone?
Strange just noticed it says I posted my blog at 8.22 but its 16.25!!!!!!

Sheffield over the past 200 years

Hey, like it Jo like it! ... was a good idea wasnt it!

Just to let you know I have spoken to Northern College today and the tutor who delivers the course has already taught over his pre arranged courses so they could not look at the course being run again until next year ... shame!
I did say we were looking at it being a one off just for us and that we were looking to fund it but the guy I spoke to still said he didnt think it was an option. Anyways, he has added me to some kind of a mailing list and will be in touch when the course can be run again ... so watch this space!



Not everyone has been invited as I am not sure of the addresses so don't take offence. I have covered TARA office, Karen, Sue and Claire ( please say hi!! ). Can you invite people if you know their addresses. Jo x

Jo's name interests

Hi all,

These are the names that I am currently researching (just so that you know!!):

All Sheffield born so if you come across any give me a shout please :0)